Sunday, September 25, 2005

30 Pearls

Thirty pearls:

One for the first sunrise you saw together,
One for the laughter,
One for the tears;
One for the shared private jokes,
One for the comforting arm;
One for the long searching talks,
One for the peaceful silences;
One for discovering together,
One for remembering together;
One for the little things you do for each other.

One for the journey you are taking together,
One for the stumbles on the path,
One for the companion at your side;
One for the word that calms your troubled soul,
One for the soul you share;
One for the gift you still treasure,
One for the joy of having something to give;
One for the dance you started together,
One for the steps matching yours,
One for the music only you and he can hear.

One for the moment it all came together,
One for the trust you place in each other,
One for the faith that keeps you together;
One for the star you follow together,
One for the light that guides you,
One for flame you lit in each other;
One for the warmth you share with each other,
One for the shelter you give to each other;
One for the things that endure,
And one for the things you learned to let go.

Happy 30th anniversary to you both.


At 11:21 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

I think this is just the most lovely tribute, Gail. Carol will be most pleased.

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Viridiana said...

thank you so much Gail, this is lovely


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