Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The full moon lit up the gypsy camp and the sounds of a haunting flute filled the air. It was a sad song filled with longing. For just a moment the hole in my heart opened up and I felt the pain of lost love, but at the same moment our cart hit a rut in the muddy dirt road leading into camp and brought my mind back to reality. We maneuvered around the camp looking for a place to stay, but the circle was closed. There were so many here perhaps I was suppose to write ahead for a wagon .

The camp was now pitch black as the moon slid behind a huge black cloud. Al heavy silence hung over the whole camp, including the flute player. It was starting to rain so I directed Destiny to pull up under a large spreading chestnut tree. After lighting my magic candle we hurriedly put our blankets under the wagon and crawled under to sleep it out tell daylight. It had been a long day and sleep was no problem. Tomorrow I shall�������  Posted by Picasa


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

The sound of a flute under a full moon. What better welcome into the gypsy camp?

I'm on my way there, too, and I didn't write ahead for a caravan either so I'll be sleeping under the stars. I shall not mind that one bit.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Gail Kavanagh said...

I would have words with the person I designated to welcome you, but he's asleep under MY caravan.
In future I shall do it myself.


At 2:51 AM, Blogger Fran said...

We must be careful where we sleep. I am taking my white owl down feather tick and one of those pocket-size tents with windows for insurance. The Secretary


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