Gysy Tarot Reading

I avoided crossing the sty and followed the path by the Cypress trees, towards the gypsy camp, unaware that a lone dog was watching me. A raven quietly checked the path ahead and guided me. When I finally arrived I was greeted warmly and after a hot drink made my way to Sadie's caravan. Sadie used the Lwellyn Fairy Pack and as she laid out the cards and spoke to me I knew her to speak the truth. Her reading leaves me meditating and reflective.

in the Past position.
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.
Queen Mab arrives in the cards to deliver dreams, wishes, and longings as yet unfulfilled, but also new ideas, insights, creativity, fertility, and inspiration to help you fulfill your dreams. Dare to dream and dare to live the dream. Don’t let others deflect you from what you truly want.

Tiddy Mun - Reversed
in the Present position.
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.
The Tiddy Mun reversed warns that you may be trying to ignore an unpleasant situation. He indicates cruelty and ingratitude, and perhaps an enemy made.

Unicorn - Reversed
in the Future position.
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.
Where the unicorn treads, a great blessing follows. He brings gentle healing from the Otherworld. He is the harbinger of hope, relief from anxieties, spiritual inspiration, and true joy.
An insightful reading Heather. Sadie would do well to keep the words meant for you close to her heart as well.
ah! Sadie will not breach our confidence. We agreed that this was all that we could publish. I have my Raven by my side, ever vigilant. Not too much passes her by.
Lois what a lovely story, full of different moods and feelings, and you made me think of caravans of my teens too, where there was so much fun and as you say, the people are always nice. Glad the ravens looked after you down by the Cypress trees, they always will and are indeed as precious as the unicorn in my book at least!
I love your drawing, Heather. It tells a story, simple and pure.
As for the reading of the cards. I have long wanted to have my Tarot read but have been reluctant to do so. I don't know why, except that perhaps I feel the future is better not known. I even bought myself a set, The Faeries' Oracle, but have not cracked the book that came with it ... I need to do that to learn how to read the cards. It seems there is never enough time.
Perhaps I'll seek out Sadie's services.
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