Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Lois' Reading

I had travelled on foot some many miles and followed the signs diligently to Sadie's .......I was the owner myself of a small caravan,that I purchased after trading in one owned by my former husband Mac and myself.....It was what I call a Darling little van,just for one with a 3/4 bed for my dog Jessie and I, a little table for two,stove ,wardrobe plenty of cupboard space and in just wonderful order..It was not the folding down low type ,it was one of the older style and you could buy them very cheaply.....I just loved it until I found I could no longer tow it due to the old age problem of athritis....I do miss it so.........Well when I saw Sadies Caravan in the little glade where it was parked I burst into tears(The 1st time on my journey)It brought back so many happy memories and also some sad ones too.I tapped gently on the caravan door which as you know is long and skinny so as to keep the wind out and the top part to allow the cool breeze enter in the summer months...So the top part opened and I was greeted by Sadie herself....A warm welcome was not unexpected as I had over 50 years or so encounted hundreds of caravaners who always were the most friendly of types.I knew how it would look when I entered and was not at all disappointed....just like mine "Made for One" or two at a romantic squeeze....."You have come to have the Tarot read" says Sadie as if she has read my mind....."The very first time" I said never had the cards read for me before...."Oh then you are in for a real treat" sais Sadie.The 1st one is Queen Mab and she is just my sort of girl...I love the thought of longings not yet fullfilled,as I never dream at night ,no not ever, this will be an experience to come .I would love to be able to dream beautiful dreams so as I might be able to live them...Tiddy Mun is a familiar card as I have experienced of late just this type of unpleasantness,but I have it in hand and will be able to sort it out in a week or two...in an nice but firm way of speaking I will put it to rest.Unicorn reversed......I like the sound of him...and if I still had my own caravan he would be (with Jessie Dog) on my next trip.He reminds me of my Ancestors on whose paths I now trod in this town of mine ..and for that it has made all the difference in my blessed life...I am glad I made the journey along the path of cypress trees although I was not aware of the raven keeping an eye on me ,but as I only heard the other day of someone whom was when visiting a hospital to hear either good or bad outcomes was confronted (So to say) by a raven in the courtyard of the hospital as if as much to say "I am here for you,look up I am your holder of good news"and this was true....So this raven is most certainly the bird of our dreams,wishes,inspiration and gratitude perhaps more so than the Unicorn,he may just be a healer and also the two might of at one time got together and decided to be as one...What do you think Travellers.....


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Gail Kavanagh said...

I have put your reading into the blog, Lois, so everyone can see it. It is far too delightful to hide in a comments box.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Agreed, Lois, the raven is indeed a good omen. Read about the folklore and you will find many answers. Faucon has posted here in reference to yours and I posted one before on Hermitage.

At 4:47 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

It is the greening of Melbourne that has bought back the birds, along with appreciative friends. They were at LaTrobe for years but I see them everywhere here in North Fitzroy too. I always say good morning.


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