Saturday, October 08, 2005

For Megan

I'm working on a new painting that I hope to have ready for the wake on Monday. Meanwhile, I am thinking of Megan, one of the most remarkable women it has been my great happiness to know upon this world.Things are changing in our perception. Through this medium, we have come to know that physical presense is in no way necessary for relationships to happen, for friendships to bloom, for love to happen. This tells us something else about our relationships with those who have gone on. We don't see them any more, but then, I have NEVER seen Megan and I know I love her.
We are learning more than we know we know.
Love to you, my Megan,
I am right beside you during these days.
Love, Winnie


At 4:16 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Winnie, this is a beautiful meditation on love and loss, love and presence, and eternity. Thanks.


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