To Fly Away

Before I left Duwamish Bay for the Gypsy Camp I stopped by Livia's Bookshop.
It's still closed and she's still gone and I know she's missed by everyone down here at the Marina.
I went to the Sideshow to visit Kincross and Clara and for once Kincross wasn't performing her slight of hand...done I suppose to pull in a crowd for the main show.
Though I suspect she does it simply for the attention.
Tonight the Twins Wintra and Summer were standing on a little makeshift stage and they were singing. It was a song we use to see in the first grade as part of our
" American Folk Songs " studies and I remember liking it because you didn't have to be a great singer to make it sound good.
Plus it was about Flying...of course this song is about Death...but to fly... ah, what a dream.
Anyway as I watched Kincross and Jesse the Cyclops and the Twins, who would never die but simply go on forever like the tide coming back to the shore over and over again, I wondered and I always will, why THEY enjoyed singing it so much.
And why they looked so sad when they sang:
I'll Fly Away
Some glad morning when this life is o'er,
I'll fly away.
To a home on God's celestial shore,
I'll fly away.
I'll fly away, O Glory, I'll fly away.
When I die, Hallelujah, bye and bye,
I'll fly away.
When the shadows of this life have flown,
I'll fly away.
Like a bird thrown, driven by the storm,
I'll fly away.
I'll fly away, O Glory, I'll fly away.
When I die, Hallelujah, bye and bye,
I'll fly away.
Just a few more weary days and then,
I'll fly away.
To a land where joy shall never end,
I'll fly away.
I'll fly away, O Glory,
I'll fly away.
When I die, Hallelujah, bye and bye,
I'll fly away.

Beautiful melancholy here. I liked this very much.
Thank you...but I wrote this as I listened to news about Hurricane Katrina. That's probably where that sense of melancholy came from.
Anita Marie
This is such a mood generator. There is a melancholy about your words but mainly I am left with a sense of place and character. Fabulous!
We've had news of the hurricane here and also the extensive evacuations...hope the people are all okay. It is melancholy stuff for sure, the mood of it.
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